Rossi Biofuel Zrt.

ROSSI BIOFUEL produces biodiesel from crude vegetable oils and used cooking oils (UCO).

The company has three production lines Depending on the input raw material, the biodiesel achieves CO2 savings up to 90% compared to fossil fuels. The new launched part of the company is a facility for the production of FAME with an annual capacity of 50 kt, for the processing of exclusively waste and advanced materials, i.e. UCO, animal fats, and other waste streams.  This expansion project also includes the processing of g-phase and soapy waters. Herewith in addition to conventional biodiesel, advanced biodiesel and glycerine are also produced.

  • Date: 12. 1. 2023
  • Client: Johnson Group, US
  • Category:
  • Value: Johnson Group, US